
Agile sunbathing...what? Don't be silly!

joost.comperen • August 14, 2020
Lying in the sun by the lake in Zurich on day two of a short vacation. It is much too hot to make it an active day, so we look to cool off by the water. Sunscreen is urgently needed, because the swimming body had hardly seen any sun due to some restraint in summer activities in recent months.

Thoughts wander

As is often the case at the start of a holiday, you haven’t yet become mentally detached from work. With the burning sun on my head, my thoughts wander to Agile working and its effects on organizations, teams and individuals. Recently I have read, learned and talked a lot about the applicability of Agile. Where the Agile mindset could be introduced and replacing the traditional management and project structure.

Tanning in Sprints

Perhaps the sun was too intense too or I drank too little water, but suddenly I was making a sun-and-water-plan behind my sunglasses. The ultimate goal is to get some extra tanning today without sunburn. We planned to be at Lake Zurich for about five hours. With four hours to go, I could time-box 4 one-hour Sprints to apply sunscreen, to sunbathe, to drink or eat, and to take a dip in the water. Of course, the result of the sprint is also evaluated and adjustments are made when planning the next Sprint (hour).

The importance of inspecting

Circumstances changed every hour, such as the position of the sun, the UV intensity, and my own physical condition. During the first inspection it turned out that the application of sunscreen could be better and that I would have to cool down in the water more often. That became the goal of the next Sprint. During the Sprints, the realization came that protecting is more important than tanning. It also turned out after Sprint 3 that I had drunk too little water and had to correct that in the next Sprint.
I have learned several lessons from the Sprint evaluations:
  • Turn regularly when tanning
  • Cool off more often in the water
  • After a dive in the water, also carefully apply sunscreen
  • Drink plenty of water because you dry out quickly in the sun
  • Stay in the shade during the hottest hours of the day
The result of this Agile day in sun and water is that I visibly got a modest tan, but I still discovered a few small burned spots where I applied the sunscreen badly. There is still room for improvement on a next day in the sun.

A Sprint-beer

It was a fun experiment to apply Agile thinking on a sun-and-water-day. But let's be honest, it's a bit weird. My friends at the lake have continuously joked about my Agile sunbathing experiment, which is absolutely justified. On vacation you should obviously let go of work for a while. Yet it has brought me something. I paid more attention to the condition of my skin, my sunscreen application behavior, my hydration, and the circumstances. Through the evaluations of every Sprint (every hour) I was able to make adjustments throughout the day. Unlike other years, I didn’t come home with a burnt back after the first sun-drenched day. Objective achieved! So, I treated myself to a Sprint beer. Cheers!

For a more serious story, read my blog on Agile leadership: "We are all Agile brainwashed".

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